At present we have eighteen members in our club. The membership year shall run from January 1st to December 31st of each year. Dues shall be payable to the Club Secretary before January 1st.
Meetings - Most of our business is done by mail. Members are sent a news letter on a regular bases, we do try to meet at least once a year (summer and/or winter).
Training - Within our membership there is extensive experience in both Field Trial and Gun Dog training. If members so indicates, formal training sessions are set up for club members to train their dogs.
Field Trials & Hunt Tests - The club will try to conduct fun events for club members and their family or guests in which hunting and field trial dogs can enjoy the format. In the fall, we hold our AKC Licensed Field Trial and Hunt Tests. Members are asked to contribute their free time to insure the success of these events, to bring in at least one ad for the trial catalog and to help with the lunch wagon. There shall be NO intensive or abusive training of dogs on the grounds during any AKC function held by our club. We also ask that small children present at the trial or event be under parent supervision at all times. Blaze orange must be worn in the field.
Downloadable Membership Application: PDF Word
News & Views
Field Trial
September 25th & 26th
Judges Kevin Dresow & Tom Aunkst
Click Here for full details.